
In the quiet province of Drenthe, in the North of the Netherlands, near to museum village Orvelte, lays the beautiful and luxurious Orvelter Hof, the house of the summer course. The attractive countryside invites you to take a nice walk and experience the beauty of rural Netherland. Orvelter Hof used to be an old farm and you can still see the historical details in the building. Enjoy the beauty of Drenthe and let the friendly environment attribute to the inspiration of the summer course…

Orvelter Hof
Mr. J.B. Kanweg 7a
9439 TD Witteveen
Drenthe – The Netherlands

Public transport
The nearest railway station is Beilen, at 9 km distance from Witteveen.
If needed, we can arrange transport from the station.

Take a look at the zomercursus: Musiceren, studeren en het brein voor docenten

muziek stroom

summer course

Music making, practicing and the brain